
Timor-Leste, or East Timor, a Southeast Asian nation occupying half the island of Timor, is ringed by coral reefs teeming with marine life. Landmarks in the capital, Dili, speak to the country’s struggles for independence from Portugal in 1975 and then Indonesia in 2002. The iconic 27m-tall Cristo Rei de Dili statue sits on a hilltop high over the city, with sweeping views of the surrounding bay.

Timor-Leste Latest Information

Point Information
Country Name Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Short Name East Timor
Capital Dili
Largest city Dili
Official languages Portuguese, Tetum
National Languages Atauru, Baikeno, Bekais, Bunak, Fataluku, Galoli, Habun, Idalaka, Kawaimina, Kemak, Makalero, Makasae, Makuva, Mambai, Tokodede
Religion 99.53% Christianity —97.57% Catholicism —1.96% Protestantism, 0.24% Islam, 0.23% Others/None
Demonym(s) East Timorese, Timorese, Maubere (informal)
Government Unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic
President Francisco Guterres
Vice President Vicente da Silva Guterres
House Speaker Arão Noé da Costa Amaral
Chief Justice Claudio de Jesus Ximenes
Total Area 15,007 km2 (5,794 sq mi)
Water (%) Negligible
Total Land Area (%) 15,007 km2 (5,794 sq mi)
Population 1,183,643 (2015 census)
GDP (PPP) $7.221 billion (2019 estimate)
GDP (Nominal) $3.145 billion (2019 estimate)
Currency United States dollar, Indonesian Rupiah (minor)
Time zone UTC+9
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Mains Electricity 220 V – 50 Hz
Driving side Left
Calling code +670
ISO 3166 code TL
Internet TLD .tl
  1. Political Parties
  1. Fretilin
  2. Democratic Party
  3. Social Democratic Party
  4. Timorese Social Democratic Association
Independence Day 28 November 1975
Tallest Building Ministry of Finance Building
Richest Persons Francisco Guterres
Top Website
  1. timorleste.tl
  2. etan.org
Timor-Leste Flag
Timor-Leste Flag


Timor-Leste Map
Timor-Leste Map








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