North Macedonia


Point Information
Country Name Republic of North Macedonia
Short Name North Macedonia
Capital Skopje
Largest city Skopje
Official languages Macedonian, Albanian
National Languages Macedonian
Religion 69.6% Eastern Orthodoxy, 0.4% Roman Catholicism, 0.7% Other Christian, 28.6% Islam, 0.2% Other Religion, 0.5% None
Demonym(s) Macedonian
Government Unitary parliamentary republic
President Stevo Pendarovski
Vice President Prime Minister – Zoran Zaev
House Speaker Talat Xhaferi
Chief Justice Adnan Jashari
Total Area 25,713 km2 (9,928 sq mi)
Water (%) 1.9
Total Land Area (%) 25,224.45 km2
Population 2,077,132 (2019 estimate)
GDP (PPP) $33.822 billion (2019 estimate)
GDP (Nominal) $12.383 billion (2019 estimate)
Currency Macedonian denar (MKD)
Time zone UTC+1 (CET)

Summer (DST)  UTC+2 (CEST)

Date format (AD)
Mains Electricity 230 V – 50 Hz
Driving side Right
Calling code +389
ISO 3166 code MK
Internet TLD .mk


Political Parties SDSM–BESA
Democratic Union for Integration

Alliance for Albanians–Alternative

Independence Day 8 September 1991
Tallest Building Cevahir Towers – Tower D
Cevahir Towers – Tower C
Cevahir Towers – Tower B
Cevahir Towers – Tower A
Richest Persons Jordan Kamchev

Andreja Josifovski

Orce Kamcev

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Mack Azad

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