

Point Information
Country Name Republic of Nauru
Short Name Nauru
Capital Yaren
Largest city Denigomodu
Official languages Nauruan, English
National Languages Nauruan
Religion Nauru Congregational Church (35.71%), Roman Catholic (32.96%), Assemblies of God (12.98%), Nauru Independent Church (9.50%), Baptist (1.48%), Other or not stated (7.34%)
Demonym(s) Nauruan
Government Unitary parliamentary republic under a non-partisan democracy
President Lionel Aingimea
Vice President ————-
House Speaker Marcus Stephen
Chief Justice Filimone Jitoko
Total Area 21 km2 (8.1 sq mi)
Water (%) 0.57
Total Land Area (%) 20.88 km2
Population 10,670 (2018 estimate)
GDP (PPP) $160 million (2017 estimate)
GDP (Nominal) $114 million (2017 estimate)
Currency Australian dollar (AUD)
Time zone GMT+12
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Mains Electricity 240 V – 50 Hz
Driving side Left
Calling code +674
ISO 3166 code NR
Internet TLD .nr
Political Parties ·         Nauru Party

·         Democratic Party

·         Nauru First

·         Centre Party

Independence Day 31 January 1968
Tallest Building Nauru House
Richest Persons ———————
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