

Point Information
Country Name Japan
Short Name Japan
Capital Tokyo
Largest city Tokyo
Official languages Japanese
National Languages Japanese
Religion Pure Land Buddhism (12.9%), Zen Buddhism (4.1%), Tendai or Shingon Buddhism (4%), Soka Gakkai (3%), Nichiren Buddhism (3%), Other Buddhist schools (2.5%), Christianity (2%), Shinto sects (1%), Folk Shinto or no religion (67.5%)
Demonym(s) Japanese
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
President Emperor – Naruhito
Vice President Prime Minister – Yoshihide Suga
House Speaker Tadamori Oshima
Chief Justice Naoto Ōtani
Total Area 377,975 km2 (145,937 sq mi)
Water (%) 12.06901%
Total Land Area (%) 87.93099%
Population 125,960,000 (2020 estimate)
GDP (PPP) $5.888 trillion (2020 estimate)
GDP (Nominal) $5.413 trillion (2020 estimate)
Currency Japanese yen (¥) (JPY)
Time zone UTC+09:00 (JST)
Date format yyyy年mm月dd日
Mains Electricity 200 V – 60 Hz
Driving side left
Calling code +81
ISO 3166 code JP
Internet TLD .jp
Political Parties Liberal Democratic Party

Constitutional Democratic Party

Democratic Party for the People


Independence Day November 29, 1890
Tallest Building Abeno Harukas

Yokohama Landmark Tower

Osaka Prefectural Government Sakishima Building

Rinku Gate Tower Building

Richest Persons Tadashi Yanai

Masayoshi Son

Takemitsu Takizaki

Nobutada Saji

Top Website Yahoo.co.jp













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