Point Information
Country Name Republic of Chile
Short Name Chile
Capital Santiago
Largest city Santiago
Official languages Spanish
National Languages Spanish
Religion 86.2% Christianity —66.7% Roman Catholic —16.4% Protestantism —3.5% Other Christian, 11.5% No religion, 0.9% Other religions, 1.1% Unspecified
Demonym(s) Chilean
Government Unitary presidential constitutional republic
President Sebastián Piñera
Vice President ————–
House Speaker Diego Paulsen
Chief Justice Haroldo Osvaldo Brito Cruz
Total Area 756,096.3 km2 (291,930.4 sq mi)
Water (%) 1.07
Total Land Area (%) 748,006 km2
Population 17,574,003
GDP (PPP) $528.300 billion (2020 estimate)
GDP (Nominal) $308.505 billion (2020 estimate)
Currency Peso (CLP)
Time zone UTC−4 and −6 (CLT and EASTc)

Summer (DST)  UTC-3 and -5 April to September

Date format dd/mm/yyy
Mains Electricity 220 V – 50 Hz
Driving side right
Calling code +56
ISO 3166 code CL
Internet TLD .cl
Political Parties ·         Independent Democratic Union

·         National Renewal

·         Socialist Party

·         Party for Democracy

Independence Day 25 April 1844
Tallest Building Gran Torre Santiago

Titanium La Portada

Costanera Center Torre 1

Costanera Center Torre 2

Richest Persons Iris Fontbona

Sebastian Piñera

Julio Ponce Lerou

Jean Salata

Top Website Biobiochile.cl












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Mack Azad

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