Point Information
Country Name Commonwealth of Australia
Short Name Australia
Capital Canberra
Largest city Sydney
Official languages English
National Languages English
Religion Various
Demonym(s) Australian
Aussie (colloquial)
Government Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
President Governor-General  – David Hurley
Vice President Prime Minister – Scott Morrison
House Speaker Tony Smith
Chief Justice Susan Mary Kiefel AC
Total Area 7,692,024 km2
Water (%) 0.76
Total Land Area (%) 7,633,564 km2
Population 25,660,300 (2020 estimate)
GDP (PPP) $1.423 trillion (2020 estimate)
GDP (Nominal) $1.375 trillion (2020 estimate0
Currency Australian dollar (AUD)
Time zone UTC+8; +9.5; +10 (Various)

Summer (DST) – UTC+8; +9.5; +10;
+10.5; +11 (Various)

Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Mains Electricity 230 V/50 Hz
Driving side left
Calling code +61
ISO 3166 code AU
Internet TLD .au
Political Parties Australian Labor Party

Liberal Party of Australia

National Party of Australia

Liberal National Party of Queensland

Independence Day 1 January 1901
Tallest Building Q1

Australia 108

Eureka Tower

Crown Sydney

Richest Persons Gina Rinehart

Harry Triguboff

Anthony Pratt

Frank Lowy

Top Website Google.com.au












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Mack Azad

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