
Latest Info On Afghanistan

Point Information
Country Name Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Short Name Afghanistan
Capital Kabul
Largest city Kabul
Official languages Pashto, Dari

Dari 27 million (77%) (L1 + L2), Pashto 16.8 million (48%)

National Languages Pashto, Dari, Uzbek, Turkmen, Balochi, Pashayi
Religion 99.7% Islam (official)

0.3% others

Demonym(s) Afghan
Government Unitary presidential Islamic republic
President Ashraf Ghani
Vice President Amrullah Saleh
House Speaker Mir Rahman Rahmani
Chief Justice Sayed Yousuf Halim
Total Area 652,230 km2
Water (%) Negligible
Total Land Area 652,230 km2
Population 32,225,560 (44th)
GDP (PPP) Total $72.911 billion
GDP (Nominal) Total $21.657 billion
Currency Afghan
Time zone UTC+4:30 Solar Calendar (D†)
Date format YYYY/MM/DD


Mains Electricity 220 V – 50 Hz
Driving side Right
Calling code +93
ISO 3166 code AF
Internet TLD .af افغانستان.
Political Parties Islamic Society

Islamic Movement of Afghanistan

Afghan Social Democratic Party

Islamic United Party of Afghanistan

Independence Day 19 August 1919
Tallest Building Kabul Tower

Golbahar Center

Pamir Cinema

Jamhuriat Hospital

Richest Persons Mirwais Azizi

Habibullah Karimi

Ehsan Bayat

Haji Momin KHan

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